Sunday, September 12, 2010

How to Enable Start Page in Visual Studio

How to enable Edit and Continue in Visual Studio

How to assign Master Page to a Content Page

There are many ways to assign a Master page to a Content page.

1. Using Page Directive

2. Using Web Config

This will set the Master file for all the Pages in the Web application
3. Programmatically from Content page

protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e)


Page.MasterPageFile = "~/SiteExample.Master";


Friday, April 2, 2010

ASP.NET application bandwith testing utility

Here is a recommendation from Vikram

Saturday, February 13, 2010

How to create and use DropDown Lists in ASP.NET

ASP.NET - Intranet settings are now turned off by default. Intranet settings are less secure than Internet settings. Click for options ...

Intranet settings are now turned off by default. Intranet settings are less secure than Internet settings. Click for options Dialog

Intranet settings are now turned off by default. Intranet settings are less secure than Internet settings. Click for options ...Intranet settings are now turned off by default. Intranet settings are less secure than Internet settings. Click for options ...

To avoid the above dialog , uncheck the Automatically detect intranet network from
Tools->Internet Options->Security->Local Intranet->Sites

It can also be done from Registry by setting the WarnOnIntranet key to 0x0 (Do not prompt with the information bar)

For more info on Intranet Security, please refer